Year: 2010 Genre: Soundtrack Music by: Harry Gregson-Williams Format: mp3, 227kbit (VBR), 44100Hz Joint Stereo Size: 70 MB Tracklist: 1. Once (More) Upon A Time (01:59) 2. Rumpelstiltskin (03:30) 3. Same Day, Every Day (03:32) 4. Shrek Signs The Deal (03:36) 5. Rumpel’s Kingdom (04:21) 6. The Exit Clause (02:36) 7. Ogre Resistance (01:50) 8. “Din Din!” (00:28) 9. Rumpel’s Announcement (03:17) 10. Planning The Attack (02:10) 11. Fiona Doesn’t Love Me (03:17) 12. Deal Of A Lifetime (03:04) 13. The Main Event (01:49) 14. Rumpel’s Defeat (02:22) 15. His Day Is Up (02:43) 16. Never Been Better (01:31) Скачать / Download c Vip-file Скачать / Download c Letitbit